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Tadaa Studio — diy

Chalkcloth Transforms a Card Table

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So, my card table had seen better days.  The cheap vinyl covering had scratches and tears, so it always required a tablecloth.  My usual solution was to cover with a piece of chalkcloth - instant fun kids table!  A great solution, but still the table was lacking. This project was definitely easy, took about an hour of actual work time and had minimal pain in the #$%  annoyances. Do learn from my mistake, take a staple that works in your staple gun to the store so you buy the right size, nothing like a hardware store run to kill your...

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DIY Fairy Door Kit party

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One of our customers, Lyndsey, had a great idea for a party.  Since she and some of her friends were each about to move out of Ann Arbor, scattering to cities across the United States,  Lyndsey decided to host a Fairy Door Painting and Decorating Party. The ladies purchased the DIY fairy door kit, brought their paints, wood stains and embellishments to Lyndsey's house and spent a fun night creating unique fairy doors to compliment their new homes.  Take a look and be inspired.  What a great way to give each other a send-off and to create a memory of...

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