It’s that time of year again when Valentine’s Day crafts abound. This year I decided to experiment with stitchable cards because they look so cute and there are many pink and red fabrics that work for this holiday.
I started with blank, white notecards.
Then, with a pinking shear, I cut out my design from the fabric I had chosen and taped it in the center to my card. Use a cookie cutter, a design already on the fabric or a stencil as your guide, if you do not want to free-hand the design.
Next, I placed the card on top a piece of felt. With a needle I punched evenly spaced holes through the fabric and card.
Collect your floss and start stitching!
I used a running stitch for my fabric designs, a back stitch for the border of the heart card and a cross-stitch for the border of the bear card.
Another idea: leave the top of the heart open and insert a stick of gum or another type of candy.